How It Works
Players take donations based on how many combined pushups/pull ups they can do in one sitting. For example, if someone donates $0.10 per push/pull up and the player does a total of 50 push/pull ups, then that person owes the player $5.00. Get as many people as possible!
The player must keep the form and bring it to the competition March 3rd @ 1:00 in Weight Room.
After the competition, the player will complete the form the and has 1 week to collect the money. All money and forms are due Sunday, March 10th.
There will be a prize for the player that performs the most pushups/pull ups combined and a prize for the player that raises the most money.
Some Suggestions
- Do not take donations less than $0.10 per push/ pull up. Try to keep it in increments of $0.05 for easy math. Don’t need to deal with pennies. Go for quarters, $.050 and dollars if you can get it.
- People may also donate 1 flat amount if they want to (but it takes some of the fun out). Yes, you still have to complete the pushups and pull ups!
- Ask your relatives, neighbors, and teachers. Have your parents bring the sheet to work for a day. DO NOT ask your friends or girlfriends. They are as broke as you and will be a pain to collect from. Ask their parents.
If anyone has questions or concerns about how this works, please have them contact me. My information is on the form.
The more you put into this, the more you will get out.
Set goals and challenge yourself!